About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

GPEM 15(4) available, special section on GECCO competitions (edited by Daniele Loiacono & Moshe Sipper)

GPEM 15(4), which is a special issue on GECCO competitions edited by Daniele Loiacono & Moshe Sipper, is now available. It contains:

"Special issue on GECCO competitions"
by Daniele Loiacono & Moshe Sipper

"Unplugging Evolutionary Algorithms: an experiment on human-algorithmic creativity"
by F. Fernández de Vega , C. Cruz , L. Navarro , P. Hernández , T. Gallego & L. Espada

"Evolving Robocode tanks for Evo Robocode"
by Robin Harper

"Driving as a human: a track learning based adaptable architecture for a car racing controller"
by Jan Quadflieg, Mike Preuss & Günter Rudolph

"Gene regulated car driving: using a gene regulatory network to drive a virtual car"
by Stéphane Sanchez & Sylvain Cussat-Blanc


  1. Not only available online but my hard copy has arrived.

  2. Theses articles are included in the GP bibliography. See:
