About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Call For Entries: 16th Annual (2019) "Humies" Awards

Quick reminder the Annual  "Humies" Awards featuring cash prizes totalling $10000 for Human-Competitive Results will again be held at GECCO-2019.
This year GECCO will be July 13th-17th, 2019 (Saturday - Wednesday) in Prague, Czech Republic see http://gecco-2019.sigevo.org.

Your human competitive entries (multiple entries are allowed) must be submitted by Wednesday 5 June 2019 by email to goodman at msu dot edu   Full details of how to enter can be found via http://www.human-competitive.org



  1. Last month at the GECCO-2019 conference the finals for the
    16th Annual (2019) "Humies" Awards were held. Three winners for
    Human-Competitive Results produced by Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

    GOLD $5000

    Their evolved, dynamic, self-optimizing algorithm produces, on-line,
    significantly better cell-edge throughput and less interference in a
    complex cellular telephone network than the algorithms written by
    humans or by other computer programs

    Automated Self-Optimization in Heterogeneous Wireless Communications Networks

    David Lynch
    Michael Fenton
    David Fagan
    Stepan Kucera
    Holger Claussen

    Grammar-based Genetic Programming (GP)

    Silver $3000

    valuation of bi-objective treatment planning for high-dose-rate
    prostate brachytherapy - A retrospective observer study

    S. C. Maree
    Ernst S. Kooreman
    Niek van Wieringen
    Arjan Bel
    Karel A. Hinnen
    Henrike Westerveld
    Bradley R. Pieters
    Tanja Alderliesten

    Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA)

    Bronze $2000

    Darwinian Data Structure Selection

    Michail Basios
    Lingbo Li
    Fan Wu
    Leslie Kanthan
    Earl T. Barr

    Genetic Improvement (GI),
    Genetic Algorithm (GA)

    Full details via: http://www.human-competitive.org/awards

  2. Photographs of the winners at http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/W.Langdon/gecco2019/humies/
