About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

GPEM 15(3) available online, including a special section on evolvability and robustness in artificial evolving systems (edited by Lee Altenberg)

I was delayed a bit in posting this because of GECCO-related travels, but GPEM 15(3) is now available, containing:

"Designing robust volunteer-based evolutionary algorithms"
by J. L. J. Laredo , P. Bouvry , D. L. González , F. Fernández de Vega , M. G. Arenas , J. J. Merelo & C. M. Fernandes

"Hardware architecture of the Protein Processing Associative Memory and the effects of dimensionality and quantisation on performance"
by Omer Qadir , Alex Lenz , Gianluca Tempesti , Jon Timmis , Tony Pipe & Andy Tyrrell

=== Special Section: Evolvability and robustness in artificial evolving systems

"Evolvability and robustness in artificial evolving systems: three perturbations"
by Lee Altenberg

"Software mutational robustness"
by Eric Schulte , Zachary P. Fry , Ethan Fast , Westley Weimer & Stephanie Forrest

"Self-repair ability of evolved self-assembling systems in cellular automata"
by Can Öztürkeri & Colin G. Johnson

"On evolvability and robustness in the matrix-GRT model"
by Uwe Tangen

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SIGEVOlution Volume 6, Issue 3-4, is now available

Looks like a great new issue, with:

  • Lunch Isn’t Free – But Cells Are by Moshe Sipper & Achiya Elyasaf
  • News from the GP Bibliography by William B. Langdon
  • Evostar Conference Report by Justyna Petke
  • Calls and Calendar

The newsletter is intended to be viewed electronically. Thanks to Pier Luca Lanzi, SIGEvolution Editor-in-Chief.