About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Monday, August 23, 2021

GPEM 22(3) is now available

The third issue of Volume 22 of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines is now available for download.

It contains:

Feature extraction by grammatical evolution for one-class time series classification
by Stefano Mauceri, James Sweeney, Miguel Nicolau, James McDermott

Genetic programming-based regression for temporal data
by Cry Kuranga, Nelishia Pillay

Tag-based regulation of modules in genetic programming improves context-dependent problem solving
by Alexander Lalejini, Matthew Andres Moreno, Charles Ofria

Symbolic-regression boosting
by Moshe Sipper, Jason H. Moore

Software review: Pony GE2
by Tuong Manh Vu

Introducing Design Automation for Quantum Computing, Alwin Zulehner and Robert Wille. ISBN 978-3-030-41753-6, 2020, Springer International Publishing. 222 Pages, 51 b/w illustrations, 14 illustrations in colour
by Robin Harper

Thursday, August 5, 2021


2021 Humies Winners

This year's HUMIE winners for Human-Competitive Results Produced By
Genetic And Evolutionary Computation are:

Gold:   $5000
AutoML-Zero: Evolving Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch
Esteban Real and Chen Liang and David R. So and Quoc V. Le
Presentation: http://www.human-competitive.org/sites/default/files/estebanreal.humies_video_automl_zero.mp4

Silver  $3000
Machine learning for the prediction of pseudorealistic pediatric
abdominal phantoms for radiation dose reconstruction
Marco Virgolin and Ziyuan Wang and Tanja Alderliesten and Peter A. N. Bosman and
Brian V. Balgobind and Irma W. E. M. van Dijk and
Jan Wiersma and Petra S. Kroon and Gert O. Janssens and
Marcel van Herk and David C. Hodgson and Lorna Zadravec Zaletel and
Coen R. N. Rasch and Arjan Bel
Presentation: http://www.human-competitive.org/sites/default/files/humies2021_virgolin_1.mp4

Bronze: $2000
An evolutionary approach for generating software models: The case of
Kromaia in game software engineering
Daniel Blasco and Jaime Font and Mar Zamorano and Carlos Cetina
Presentation: http://www.human-competitive.org/sites/default/files/font_for_humies.107mb.mp4

Details of the winners, finalists and all 20 entries are given on the
Annual "Humies" Awards For Human-Competitive Results web pages