About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

GECCO 2022 impact award

The ten year GECCO 2022 award, announced yesterday, for most impact paper formed the basis for a paper in GP+EM:

"Better GP benchmarks: community survey results and proposals" by David R. White and James McDermott and Mauro Castelli and Luca Manzoni and Brian W. Goldman and Gabriel Kronberger and Wojciech Jaskowski and Una-May O'Reilly and Sean Luke. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 14(1):3-29, 2013.