About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Monday, November 9, 2020

GP bib URL of your papers before December 1, 2020

As mentioned in my blog posting of 8 June 2020, due to the pandemic, maintenance of the genetic programming bibliography fell behind at the start of this year. I am now pleased to be able to say that I have completed a major new release and would like to encourage everyone to check that their entry in the GP bibliography http://gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk/ is up to date and especially that it contains URLs for their GP papers and, if it includes GP, their PhD thesis.

Thank you


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

GPEM 21(3) is now available

The third issue of Volume 21 of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines is now available for download.

This is a special issue on Highlights of Genetic Programming 2019 Events (guest edited by Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau, and Lukas Sekanina, with associated articles indicated below with "[Highlights]") which also includes a special section on Integrating Numerical Optimization Methods with Genetic Programming (guest edited by Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar, Leonardo Trujillo, indicated with "[Optimization]").


Guest Editorial
Special issue on highlights of genetic programming 2019 events
Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau & Lukas Sekanina

EA-based resynthesis: an efficient tool for optimization of digital circuits
Jitka Kocnova & Zdenek Vasicek

Horizontal gene transfer for recombining graphs
Timothy Atkinson, Detlef Plump & Susan Stepney

On the importance of specialists for lexicase selection
Thomas Helmuth, Edward Pantridge & Lee Spector

A network perspective on genotype–phenotype mapping in genetic programming
Ting Hu, Marco Tomassini & Wolfgang Banzhaf

Multi-objective genetic programming for manifold learning: balancing quality and dimensionality
Andrew Lensen, Mengjie Zhang & Bing Xue

Learning feature spaces for regression with genetic programming
William La Cava & Jason H. Moore

Guest Editorial
Special Issue on Integrating numerical optimization methods with genetic programming
Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar & Leonardo Trujillo

Parameter identification for symbolic regression using nonlinear least squares
Michael Kommenda, Bogdan Burlacu, Gabriel Kronberger & Michael Affenzeller

Unimodal optimization using a genetic-programming-based method with periodic boundary conditions
Rogério C. B. L. Póvoa, Adriano S. Koshiyama, Douglas M. Dias, Patrícia L. Souza & Bruno A. C. Horta

Arthur I. Miller: The artist in the machine: the world of AI-powered creativity
Anna Olszewska

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Genetic Programming Bibliography: Move and Mirror

The genetic programming bibliography has been successfully moved
and is since summer 2019 has been hosted by the UCL Computer Science department at
In the long term there may be other hosting arrangements.

Thanks to Jason H. Moore an automated mirror has been established at
http://gpbib.pmacs.upenn.edu hosted by the University of Pennsylvania,
Penn Medicine Academic Computing Services.  Additional mirrors,
perhaps in the far east, may be established (see daily cron job mirror
script http://gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk/tools/gpbib_ucl_mirror.bat ).

The bibliography can be search with google, eg:
earthquake site:gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk

Due to the pandemic, regular maintenance, especially additions, has
fallen behind in the last few months.  GP authors are invited to send
new references in BibTex, or to suggest updates, e.g. URLs, or


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

GPEM 21(1&2) is now available

The first/second issue of Volume 21 of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, a Twentieth Anniversary Special Issue double issue, is now available for download.

It contains:

Editorial introduction
Lee Spector

GP+EM 20th anniversary editorial
Nicholas Freitag McPhee, William B. Langdon

Genetic programming for natural language processing
Lourdes Araujo

Applications of genetic programming to finance and economics: past, present, future
Anthony Brabazon, Michael Kampouridis

Evolutionary music: applying evolutionary computation to the art of creating music
Róisín Loughran, Michael O’Neill

The impact of genetic programming in education
Nelishia Pillay

Genetic programming in the steelmaking industry
Miha Kovačič, Uroš Župerl

Cartesian genetic programming: its status and future
Julian Francis Miller

Genetic programming theory and practice: a fifteen-year trajectory
Moshe Sipper, Jason H. Moore

Genetic programming in the twenty-first century: a bibliometric and content-based analysis from both sides of the fence
Andrea De Lorenzo, Alberto Bartoli

Genetic programming and evolvable machines at 20
W. B. Langdon

Adversarial genetic programming for cyber security: a rising application domain where GP matters
Una-May O’Reilly, Jamal Toutouh

Automatic programming: The open issue?
Michael O’Neill, Lee Spector

Juan C. Burguillo: Self-organizing coalitions for managing complexity
B. Ombuki-Berman

Joseph E. Aoun: Robot-proof: higher education at the age of artificial intelligence
Rosa Leonor Ulloa-Cazarez

Inspyred: Bio-inspired algorithms in Python
Alberto Tonda

Software review: the GPTIPS platform

Acknowledgment to reviewers (2019)
Lee Spector