The third issue of Volume 21 of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines is now
available for download.
This is a special issue on
Highlights of Genetic Programming 2019 Events (guest edited by Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau, and Lukas Sekanina, with associated articles indicated below with "[Highlights]") which also includes a special section on
Integrating Numerical Optimization Methods with Genetic Programming (guest edited by Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar, Leonardo Trujillo, indicated with "[Optimization]").
Guest Editorial
Special issue on highlights of genetic programming 2019 events
Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau & Lukas Sekanina
EA-based resynthesis: an efficient tool for optimization of digital circuits
Jitka Kocnova & Zdenek Vasicek
Horizontal gene transfer for recombining graphs
Timothy Atkinson, Detlef Plump & Susan Stepney
On the importance of specialists for lexicase selection
Thomas Helmuth, Edward Pantridge & Lee Spector
A network perspective on genotype–phenotype mapping in genetic programming
Ting Hu, Marco Tomassini & Wolfgang Banzhaf
Multi-objective genetic programming for manifold learning: balancing quality and dimensionality
Andrew Lensen, Mengjie Zhang & Bing Xue
Learning feature spaces for regression with genetic programming
William La Cava & Jason H. Moore
Guest Editorial
Special Issue on Integrating numerical optimization methods with genetic programming
Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar & Leonardo Trujillo
Parameter identification for symbolic regression using nonlinear least squares
Michael Kommenda, Bogdan Burlacu, Gabriel Kronberger & Michael Affenzeller
Unimodal optimization using a genetic-programming-based method with periodic boundary conditions
Rogério C. B. L. Póvoa, Adriano S. Koshiyama, Douglas M. Dias, Patrícia L. Souza & Bruno A. C. Horta
Arthur I. Miller: The artist in the machine: the world of AI-powered creativity
Anna Olszewska