About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Monday, November 9, 2020

GP bib URL of your papers before December 1, 2020

As mentioned in my blog posting of 8 June 2020, due to the pandemic, maintenance of the genetic programming bibliography fell behind at the start of this year. I am now pleased to be able to say that I have completed a major new release and would like to encourage everyone to check that their entry in the GP bibliography http://gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk/ is up to date and especially that it contains URLs for their GP papers and, if it includes GP, their PhD thesis.

Thank you
