About the GPEMjournal blog

This is the editor's blog for the journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. The official web site for the journal, maintained by the publisher (Springer) is here. The GPEMjournal blog is authored and maintained by Lee Spector.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

GPEM 21(3) is now available

The third issue of Volume 21 of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines is now available for download.

This is a special issue on Highlights of Genetic Programming 2019 Events (guest edited by Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau, and Lukas Sekanina, with associated articles indicated below with "[Highlights]") which also includes a special section on Integrating Numerical Optimization Methods with Genetic Programming (guest edited by Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar, Leonardo Trujillo, indicated with "[Optimization]").


Guest Editorial
Special issue on highlights of genetic programming 2019 events
Ting Hu, Miguel Nicolau & Lukas Sekanina

EA-based resynthesis: an efficient tool for optimization of digital circuits
Jitka Kocnova & Zdenek Vasicek

Horizontal gene transfer for recombining graphs
Timothy Atkinson, Detlef Plump & Susan Stepney

On the importance of specialists for lexicase selection
Thomas Helmuth, Edward Pantridge & Lee Spector

A network perspective on genotype–phenotype mapping in genetic programming
Ting Hu, Marco Tomassini & Wolfgang Banzhaf

Multi-objective genetic programming for manifold learning: balancing quality and dimensionality
Andrew Lensen, Mengjie Zhang & Bing Xue

Learning feature spaces for regression with genetic programming
William La Cava & Jason H. Moore

Guest Editorial
Special Issue on Integrating numerical optimization methods with genetic programming
Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar & Leonardo Trujillo

Parameter identification for symbolic regression using nonlinear least squares
Michael Kommenda, Bogdan Burlacu, Gabriel Kronberger & Michael Affenzeller

Unimodal optimization using a genetic-programming-based method with periodic boundary conditions
Rogério C. B. L. Póvoa, Adriano S. Koshiyama, Douglas M. Dias, Patrícia L. Souza & Bruno A. C. Horta

Arthur I. Miller: The artist in the machine: the world of AI-powered creativity
Anna Olszewska